Friends Friends

Nobody’s sorry

Out June 21st 2024

✦ Metamorphasis

✦ Shower Beer

✦ Neighbors

✦ No Woman

✦ Second Hand

✦ Metamorphasis ✦ Shower Beer ✦ Neighbors ✦ No Woman ✦ Second Hand

Upcoming Shows

June 23rd

Friends Friends EP Release

w/ Heaven Skate and Prince Rupert’s Glass

Buy Here

July 12th

Atlantis Lounge
Friends Friends

w/ Moody Idaho and Willernie

Buy Here

Thanks for being our friend

Bringing a Midwest sensibility to the perennial Portland DIY music scene, Mack John, with the help of Nate Anderson, Matt Rossi, and Pat Tabrum, formed Friends Friends in 2023. 

Brightening up dark green spaces with an ignited optimism, Friends Friends shares a joy-filled performance that sways from twinkling guitars and soaring falsetto into grittier vocals and noisy rock n roll flourish. 

Friends Friends surprises with a charming & uplifting sound. A band that sounds like the end of daylight savings time or flowers blooming in a basement.

✦ Shower Beer

✦ Metamporhasis

✦ No Woman

✦ Second Hand

✦ February 28th

✦ Neighbors

✦ Shower Beer ✦ Metamporhasis ✦ No Woman ✦ Second Hand ✦ February 28th ✦ Neighbors

Lets play a show